About Us
About Us

About Us
EHP is a small community of professionals but with ALL the love for animals. We understand that our emotional health symptoms are often times hard to manage. However, our pets have that special instinct that somehow helps us feel much better. For this reason, we continue to work together to help you understand and achieve the basic rights to living and flying with your pet regardless of its breed and weight.
Our commitment is for you not to pay extra fees, such as pet deposit, pet rent and other fees. On the same note, we will not sell you unnecessary services. Other companies will try to sell you “pet registration” and/or “pet certificate,” which is unnecessary because it does not establish a necessity between your emotional wellness and your pet.
We have a network of licensed mental health professionals that are highly qualified and with more than than 17 years of experience. Our LMHP have experience in working with individuals with depression, anxiety, PTSD, schizophrenia or other psychotic disorders, mood or bipolar disorders, grief and loss, trauma and more. All of our LMHP are trauma-informed and verifiable through their state board:
State of AZ: https://www.azbbhe.us
State of CA: https://bbs.ca.gov
Our goal is to navigate you through the process and to provide a stress-free service from the beginning to end; but most importantly, we want you and your pet to be happy together in current and future endeavors.

Why Choose Us
- Emotional Healing Pets has licensed mental health professionals that are highly experienced. Our professionals are have worked with people with emotional or mental disabilities for many years. They are knowledgeable, informed, accomplished, and acquainted. They have your best interest at heart.
- Emotional Healing Pets staff and professionals understand how debilitating your emotional or mental disability can be. Human dignity, kindness, empathy, and compassion is the value set of EHP.
- Emotional Healing Pets adheres to all applicable laws and regulations so that you can be assured that your letter is valid and legitimate.
- Emotional Healing Pets will not try to sell you an unnecessary service that will not establish the necessity of a reasonable accommodation such as “registering” your pet. No need to waste your money
- Emotional Healing Pets offers fast, reliable, and convenience service. The process in which you submit your inquiry until your letter is issue is less than 24hrs. No need to wait days on end before you get your letter.